Our latest adventure. . . blogging!

Okay, this is my attempt at keeping you updated on the boys! They are growing so fast and changing everyday. I know I have been bad at sending updated pictures so I'm going to try the blog approach!! Thanks to Mindy, (little sis) helping me get started, hopefully I'll keep you up on all the exciting activities in our lives!! I'm sure you will get some comic relief from Brandon too!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A little weekend fun

Brandon got to fish with Uncle Sam today. He said it was his favorite part of the weekend.

Brandon and Kyle had a trip to the Independence Zoo Saturday. They got to see some bears, an aligator, monkeys and (their favorite) some peacocks.

-- Post From My iPhone

Monday, May 4, 2009

Brandon Goes For Swimming Lessons

Brandon had his first swimming lesson today and boy did he love it! His only complaint was that it wasn't longer. I think he would spend most of the day in the pool if we let him. Enjoy the pictures below as well as a couple short videos.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Brandon Sings the National Anthem

You have gotta listen to this...he doesn't quite have all the words, but it is pretty funny!

Bikeride at the Park

Brandon got out his "Birthday Bike" and we went for a family cruise around the local park. Kyle rode in the wagon reluctantly...we think the next bike trip will require his tricycle instead. :)

Monday, August 4, 2008


We ended up taking both boys to the dentist last week for their 1st checkup. The dentists in Lawrence won't see you until 3 unless there is a problem and last week we had a problem. Kyle fell hard in the kitchen and split open his upper gum, it was nasty. The doctor said he wasn't going to stitch but that he needed to see a pediatric dentist. Luckily, we got in that day with Kelli Henderson for both boys, she was great!! Brandon went first and loved getting to watch CARS on the ceiling and wear headphones!! Kyle was next and we were waiting for him to scream as she examined him. Actually Adam took Brandon to the front so he wouldn't think the dentist was hurting Kyle, and wouldn't you know NOT a PEEP!!! He just sat and smiled, what a trooper our Kyle is!! So here is a picture of Brandon getting his teeth cleaned --there isn't a picture of Kyle because Adam left the room during Kyle's check afraid it would scare Brandon!

A Weekend of Fun!

We had a great relaxing weekend. We played in the yard, our little pool, went to the FAIR, and Brandon rode his first carnival ride. Summer is moving TOO fast.

1, 2, 3, JUMP

Brandon loves to teach Kyle the ropes at the pool!

Summer Fun

Here are some fun pictures of the boys this summer. The camera was left in Brandon's room one night and you can probably fin the picture he took in the morning!

Sunday, August 3, 2008


We took a long weekend to spend with Mndy, Sam and Drew at Grand Lake, and boy did we have fun!! Brandon was not convinced he wanted a boat ride, actually he was sure he didn't, but soon he was jumping off the boat asking for more!! Surprise, surprise, every time we got on the boat Kyle SLEPT!!! He did enjoy the water and managed to stay awake for our last trip in. There is a video of Brandon jumping from the boat that is further down on the page.

Drew's visit to campus.

Drew came up to visit and swim with us. We had a great time and ended up on campus to take some pictures!


We took the boys and Serena to a Royals game with my mom for Serena's birthday and Mother's Day. It was HOT, luckily we were sitting in the air-conditioned Stadium Club!!! Mom and Serena liked the desserts the best but I liked being out of the sun, I think my fair-skinned Kyle agreed with me!! Brandon and Adam ventured out to the regular seats for some of the game but we just stayed inside. When the game was over we all got to run the bases. Brandon was SO tired, (NO NAP) that I nearly had to drag him around the bases!